package com.f139.frame.tag; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport; import org.nutz.dao.Dao; import org.nutz.dao.Sqls; import org.nutz.dao.entity.Entity; import org.nutz.dao.sql.Sql; import org.nutz.ioc.Ioc; import org.nutz.mvc.Mvcs; import; /** * 求购标签 * @author Administrator * */ public class BizBuyTag extends TagSupport { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private int num; // 显示条数 private int vid; // 专区ID private int orderType; // 排序类型,0:推荐的供应信息,按时间排序, 1:按时间排序,2:按点击次数排序 public int doEndTag() throws JspException { return EVAL_PAGE; } public int doStartTag() throws JspException { List<BizBuy> list= getList(); pageContext.setAttribute("list",list); return EVAL_PAGE; } private List<BizBuy> getList() { StringBuffer conBuf = new StringBuffer(); String topStr = ""; if(this.getVid()>0){ conBuf.append(" (charindex(','+'"+this.getVid()+"'+',',','+nodepath+',')>0 or b.vid = "+this.getVid()+")" ); } if(this.getNum()>0){ topStr = " top " + this.getNum() + " "; }else { topStr = " top 10 "; } if(this.getOrderType()==0){ conBuf.append(" and IsElite='True' order by updateTime desc"); }else if(this.getOrderType()==1){ conBuf.append(" order by updateTime desc"); }else if(this.getOrderType()==2){ conBuf.append(" order by Hits,updateTime desc"); }else { conBuf.append(" order by updateTime desc"); } StringBuffer buySql=new StringBuffer(); buySql.append("select ").append(topStr).append(" b.buyID,b.title,b.updateTime from f139Business.dbo.Buy as b left join DataCenter.dbo.Variety as v on b.vid = where b.status = 1 and DATEADD(d,b.validDate,b.updatetime)>getdate() and "); buySql.append(conBuf); // 得到数据 Ioc ioc = Mvcs.getIoc(pageContext.getServletContext()); Dao dao = ioc.get(Dao.class, "dao"); Sql sql = Sqls.create(buySql.toString()); sql.setCallback(Sqls.callback.entities()); System.out.println("sql语句:"+sql); Entity<BizBuy> entity = dao.getEntity(BizBuy.class); sql.setEntity(entity); dao.execute(sql); List<BizBuy> list = sql.getList(BizBuy.class); return list; } public int getNum() { return num; } public void setNum(int num) { this.num = num; } public int getVid() { return vid; } public void setVid(int vid) { this.vid = vid; } public int getOrderType() { return orderType; } public void setOrderType(int orderType) { this.orderType = orderType; } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE taglib PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN" ""> <taglib> <tlib-version>1.0</tlib-version> <jsp-version>1.0</jsp-version> <short-name>Tab</short-name> <uri></uri> <display-name>buy</display-name> <description>求购信息模块</description> <tag> <name>buyTag</name> <tag-class>com.f139.frame.tag.BuyTag</tag-class> <body-content>JSP</body-content> <display-name></display-name> <description>求购信息模块</description> <attribute> <name>num</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> <type>java.lang.Integer</type> <description>读取求购信息的条数</description> </attribute> <attribute> <name>vid</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> <type>java.lang.Integer</type> <description>内部平台Variety表的vid</description> </attribute> <attribute> <name>orderType</name> <required>true</required> <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> <type>java.lang.Integer</type> <description>排序类型,0:推荐的供应信息,按时间排序, 1:按时间排序,2:按点击次数排序</description> </attribute> </tag> </taglib>